ENG | No one knows how, but all the gold that is lost underground and at the bottom of the sea, after one hundred years, ends up in the Devil's hands. Every hundred years, he makes it appear and disappear before the eyes of desperate people who have no money to afford food, and before poor people becoming crazy because of misery. One night, a young man was returning home after leaving his beautiful girlfriend. He sat on a low wall and pondered how he could marry his young lover: her father would not let him marry her, because he said he was too poor. […] But you still need to know who was the old woman who gave him the coin: she was "the old woman with the heart in her hand", the one who helps the poor and sick. The coin represented the strength of mercy and goodness; and that's why the devil on the blanket was burned by the flames and forced to pack up and flee.
L'Oro del Diavolo
Chardonnay 90% Pinot grigio 10%
6 mesi in acciaio
6 mesi minimo in bottiglia
Ideale abbinato a pesce bianco cotto al naturale, carni bianche come pollo, coniglio, vitello con poche salse coprenti e verdure brasate.
ENG | No one knows how, but all the gold that is lost underground and at the bottom of the sea, after one hundred years, ends up in the Devil's hands. Every hundred years, he makes it appear and disappear before the eyes of desperate people who have no money to afford food, and before poor people becoming crazy because of misery. One night, a young man was returning home after leaving his beautiful girlfriend. He sat on a low wall and pondered how he could marry his young lover: her father would not let him marry her, because he said he was too poor. […] But you still need to know who was the old woman who gave him the coin: she was "the old woman with the heart in her hand", the one who helps the poor and sick. The coin represented the strength of mercy and goodness; and that's why the devil on the blanket was burned by the flames and forced to pack up and flee.
Il Drago di Santa Brigida
Miglior rosso della bergamasca - Gustavo '19
IGP Rosso della Bergamasca
Il Castello della Regina
IGP Rosso della Bergamasca
Il Serpente con la Cresta
Bronze Medal IWF - Londra '18
IGP Shiraz rosso della Bergamasca
Il Serpente con la Cresta
IGP Shiraz rosso della Bergamasca